Picture courtesy of ONTRAS
3 Existing capacities and
Project Data Collection process
ENTSOG has improved the transparency of the process, strengthened the communication with project promoters and upgraded its Project Data Portal to ensure the best possible availability, consistency and quality of the collected project data. This in exchange ensures the quality of the assessment.
For each TYNDP, ENTSOG collects information on existing firm capacities directly from TSOs (for transmission infrastructures) as well as from GIE1 (for LNG regasification terminals and storage facilities). For TYNDP 2022, existing firm capacities were collected as of 1 January 2023.
In order to provide a holistic view of the European gas system over the next 20 years, it is important that all relevant infrastructure projects are incorporated into the TYNDP. ENTSOG has endeavoured to run an open and transparent data collection processes, and actively encouraged project promoters to submit their projects.
As the submission of comprehensive project data is a critical prerequisite for the infrastructure analysis, ENTSOG provides a Project Data Portal open to all project promoters to support the process.
Only projects actively (re)submitted by promoters through the Project Data Portal have been considered in this edition of the TYNDP. This process ensures transparency and non-discrimination between projects. Ahead of the submission phase, to better support project promoters, ENTSOG provided a documentation kit with a handbook2 on how to use the Project Data Portal and organised dedicated webinars for project promoters.
In order to increase transparency and accuracy of the information and to facilitate coordination among promoters, the ENTSOG Project Data Portal offers promoters capacity monitoring interfaces. This allows project promoters to actively monitor their submission through specific reports and check the final capacity value resulting from the application of the “lesser-of-rule”3.
When submitting projects, the promoters commit to report accurate and up-to-date information. In very few instances ENTSOG has directly undertaken corrective actions in line with pre-defined rules. Furthermore, for a given project, the related TYNDP code is assigned automatically by the Project Data Portal when the project is first submitted. Updates of the project in future TYNDPs are handled by the promoter under the same project code. This allows using the project code as another key for the monitoring of projects along the different TYNDP editions and for the PCI selection process.
To ensure as much consistency as possible, ENTSOG encouraged promoters intending to resubmit projects that were already part of the TYNDP 2020 to update the already existing information while keeping the same TYNDP project code. In this way it has been possible to better link the different TYNDP editions and monitor the project evolution. Promoters were also requested to provide comprehensive information including detailed project implementation schedules (see sections 6.4.3 and 7.5.3) and estimated costs (see sections 6.4.3 and 7.5.4).
1 Gas Infrastructure Europe
2 https://www.entsog.eu/sites/default/files/2022-05/TYNDP076-21_2022_Project_Submission_Handbook.zip
3 The “lesser-of-rule” means that, on a Point with Entry and Exit capacities, the minimum of the two values will be considered as the firm capacity available for use. Example: Promoter A submits an Exit capacity on Point P in the value of 100. Promoter B submits an Entry capacity on the other side of the Point P, in the value of 200. After the application of the rule, the firm capacity considered for modelling will be 100
For the TYNDP 2022, an initial project submission took place between 18 October and 12 November 2021. The submission phase was followed by a check and correction phase (from 15 November to 10 December 2021) where both ENTSOG and promoters could verify and amend the submitted information. Additionally, in order to ensure a more careful consistency check on submitted projects’ data, during the TYNDP 2022 project data collection, ENTSOG liaised with ACER and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) after the first initial data collection. Promoters were informed about the comments provided by ACER and NRAs and allowed to amend the information provided during the project data collection if deemed necessary. The same information was also shared with the European Commission.
Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the commencement of new infrastructure initiatives to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas supply (including the REPowerEU targets), ENTSOG decided to reopen the project collection process with the purpose of including relevant projects in light of security of supply.
Between 30 May and 24 June 2022 project promoters had the opportunity to submit additional projects aiming to strengthen Europe’s security of supply, the diversification of Europe’s energy sources and contributing to the energy transition, as well as to update existing projects with the latest available information. The project information as reported in Annex A and TYNDP 2022 maps are reflecting therefore the status of the projects during the end of the project collection phase for TYNDP 2022.
In addition to the above-mentioned TYNDP project collection phases, hydrogen infrastructure projects have been complemented in a final call between 18 October and 15 December 2022. This collection was necessary to allow for updates or submissions of PCI candidates under the revised TEN-E Regulation.
3.1 Differences between TYNDP and
ENTSOG Transparency Platform data
Regulation (EC) no. 715/2009 and its amendments require ENTSOG to provide a Union-wide platform where all Transmission System Operators for gas shall make their relevant data publicly available.
The Transparency Platform provides technical and commercial data on gas transmission systems on a daily and hourly basis, which include interconnection points and connections with storages, LNG facilities, distribution networks, final consumers and production facilities.
Interested parties are able to access valuable information uploaded by all TSOs.
Firm technical capacity data collected and used for the TYNDP might differ from the capacity data published on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform for the three main following reasons:
- though the modelling mostly uses the ENTSOG Transparency Platform topology, in some cases the topology used in the TYNDP differs from the latter. This is to better serve simulations purposes;
- both existing capacity and project capacities are not constantly updated during the TYNDP process but have a specific time stamp (1 January 2023 for existing infrastructure while for projects the closure day of the data collection);
- capacities are modelled in the TYNDP after the application of the Lesser-of-Rule.