Picture courtesy of TAP
3 TYNDP 2024 on its way
ENTSOG is committed to the carbon-neutral future of the energy system in Europe. The TYNDP 2022 has proven ENTSOG’s ability to provide dual assessments of interlinked hydrogen and methane systems.
The TYNDP 2024 will build on scenarios that are established with the help of an interlinked model including electricity. Also, the CBA methodology will be upgraded for the TYNDP 2024. ENTSOG aims for new CBA indicators for hydrogen infrastructure projects based on cross-sector assessments. ENTSOG is consulting its preliminary draft CBA methodology. This will allow for more complete assessments, including costs and benefits triggered by the projects for the overall energy system as well as the impact of projects on CO2 emissions reduction.
Currently, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E are assisting the PCI selection process by conducting project-specific CBAs for electrolyser projects submitted as candidate under the revised TEN-E Regulation. Thereby, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E can showcase their cross-sectoral capabilities with an exercise similar to the proposed future CBAs. Therefore, ENTSOG is well on track in preparation for the upcoming TYNDP 2024.